Friday, October 7, 2011


Sai Anandam is entirely supported by Bhagwan, and Sai Anandam stands securely on the four values Bhagwan promotes. This means, the home for the homeless is pledged to promote the values of truth, right living, peace and love among the inmates of the home.

Sai Anadam, as the name suggests, is a place for joyful living. Swami teaches us that life is more valuable than a living. Even though we shall endeavour to settle the boys in some respectful means of earning a living, our purpose shall be to help them see beyond a living. And that is ananda, loosely translated as happiness. The only way to stabilize one’s happiness is to live in God , and that shall be our chief effort – to inculcate in them faith in and love for God.

These children were growing up in environments of denial. So the purpose of Sai Anandam has been to open before them a life of love, brotherliness and purposeful living. Swami teaches that human life is precious, for it can take us to God. Our logo summaries in the four steps at the base, and the white strip above it, that when we try to live the four values, we acquire a state of purity, which is akin to divinity, that brings us real happiness, for then we realise our lives are not only a gift of God, they are supported by God. This awareness gives us strength and self confidence to confront the vicissitudes of life. These boys, who have already been denied a normal life, have to answer for themselves a lot of inconvenient questions while they are growing up. With God as a dependable companion this arduous task could be easier for them. Therefore our aim has been to try to create a home for them in which we all live for each other. When they go out into a difficult world looking for an identity, a loveful childhood would be a great asset for them.  

A home of love, brotherliness, dedication, and understanding is always protected by divine benediction, which the surrounding stars embody. And AUM of course, is the most potent vibration from which all life emerged. It is the most creative sound. The logo is topped by it suggesting that we here in Sai Anandam want to make living a creative experience.

The living principles of the home are sharing, caring, and integrating. The mundane and the divine are not divorced from each other, Swami teaches us. The ancient Rishis prayed for a long life that they can use it for elevating life unto godhood. A healthy, happy life is the platform on which we build the mansion of a noble life. Sai Anandam would strive to enable the inmates live a self-reliant and noble life.  

SAI means in odia, ‘The good kind Lord’. There is a rare sweetness even in the visual of the logo – the strong and sweet hand of the Lord holding up the family of Anandam. Can there be anything more reassuring than this?

The meaning is only a means to the end, not the end in itself; and the end is living constantly in God. 

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